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Michael Lynch

November 9, 2022

Michael began his career at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited in marketing, project financing and business development, primarily associated with Canada/U.S. electricity trade opportunities. Subsequently, he accepted a policy position with Natural Resources Canada, addressing the challenges of mine closures and resource-based communities, Aboriginal economic development and mining, and public mineral geoscience. For the past decade, he was the policy lead on natural disaster risk reduction and emergency management, with a focus on seismic and space weather hazards. The bulk of Michael’s policy activities has involved the preparation of Federal Budget Proposals, Memoranda to Cabinet, and Treasury Board Submissions.

Michael has had a lengthy, parallel career in the volunteer sector, serving on a variety of Boards, including being President of a core-city, community association. Michael is fully addicted to his garden, devours books on archaeology and history, and enjoys a good sci-fi movie.

At the Canadian Nuclear Association, Michael will apply his many years of diverse experience in science-based organizations to the development of policy that advances the potential contributions of Canada’s nuclear power industry to the well-being of Canadians, and most notably, to Canada’s net-zero 2050 goals.



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