Getting to Net-Zero Emissions Using Nuclear: Canada’s low-carbon future
Ever wonder how Canada is going to reach net-zero emissions? Join this panel at CNA2020 as Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Senior Vice-President of Corporate Affairs Heather Ferguson, SaskPower President and CEO Mike Marsh, Bruce Power President and CEO Mike Rencheck, and NB Power CEO Gaëtan Thomas discuss how Canada can reach its low-carbon future with nuclear power.

With over 20 years of experience in the resource development, energy and electricity sectors, Ferguson was previously the OPG’s VP of New Business Ventures, VP of Environment, and Director of Hydroelectric Business Development Group. She has a Master’s degree in Science from Queen’s University and an MBA from the Rotman School of Management.

President and CEO since 2015, Marsh first joined SaskPower in 1991 as an engineering supervisor before joining the corporate and financial services leadership team in 2001. In 2012, he became vice-president of operations and chief operations officer. Marsh holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA.

Rencheck joined Bruce Power as president and CEO in 2016. He was the deputy chief operating officer for AREVA Group (international) after being president and CEO of AREVA Inc. in North America. Before joining AREVA, he was senior vice-president and chief nuclear officer at American Electric Power. He is a professional engineer and certified senior reactor operator.

Serving as CEO of NB Power since 2010, Thomas is a loyal and lifelong employee of the utility. He has worked in all aspects of the business, including as vice-president of the nuclear, distribution and customer service divisions. Thomas earned a degree in electrical engineering from the University of New Brunswick.
The CEO panel will be held Thursday, February 27, from 14:00 to 15:00. Find the complete schedule at https://cna.ca/cna2020/program/.
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