CNA2012 Speaker and Panel Videos Online at

March 15, 2012

Full-length video from the 2012 CNA Conference and Trade Show is now available on our TalkNUclear YouTube channel. Go to or click the image below.

Speaker and Panel Videos Include:

  • Tom Mitchell‘s update as Chair of the WANO Fukushima Response Commission
  • Dr. Kathryn Jackson, SVP and CTO at Westinghouse, on stimulating innovation and its role in the nuclear renaissance
  • Dr. Michael Binder, President of the CNSC, on developments related to nuclear regulation in Canada
  • Mr. John McDougall, President of the National Research Council, on managing change in Canadian research and innovation
  • Innovative Methods of Communicating Science panel, featuring moderator Jay Ingram and panelists Ted Hartwell from the Desert Research Institute, Jeremy Runnalls from Corporate Knights Magazine and Susan Brissette from Women-in-Nuclear Canada
  • Nuclear Innovation: Bright Ideas to Keep the Lights On panel with moderator Marc Brouillette from Secor Group, and panelists Doug Richardson, CEO of General Fusion, Michael Lees, President of Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy Inc., and Robert Prince, CEO Gen4 Energy Inc. (formerly Hyperion Power Generation)

And many more!

Click to visit the #cnagm2012 YouTube Playlist


2013 CNA Conference and Trade Show
February 27 – March 1, 2013
Westin Hotel  | Ottawa, Ontario

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