
The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is a non-profit organization established in 1960 to represent the nuclear industry in Canada and promote the development and growth of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.

Membership advantages

Membership in the Canadian Nuclear Association confers several advantages:

  • Sharing information – Member organizations have an opportunity to gather and disseminate authoritative and timely information about all aspects of nuclear energy. The CNA also provides members with analyses of opportunities and problems on the development and use of nuclear energy.
  • Representation – The CNA presents members’ viewpoints to public inquiries, regulatory bodies, and to government organizations.
  • Raising awareness – The CNA helps to foster an accurate public understanding of the uses of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
  • Sponsorship – The CNA sponsors activities on the successful marketing of nuclear-related products and services in Canada and around the world, as well as conferences, seminars, and courses on the development and use of nuclear energy, uranium production, and related issues.
  • Networking – Member organizations establish and maintain close ties with other associations that have similar interests.

CNA Members

Affiliate Members and Partners

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