NRC Approves New Nuclear Build at Vogtle Site in Georgia
Big news for our nuclear neighbors south of the border. It was announced today by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States that Southern Nuclear Operating Company’s (SNC) application for two Combined Licenses (COL) at the Vogtle site in Georgia was approved!
Read all about it: NRC News Release (PDF)
Congratulations to all the stakeholders: the companies that build and design nuclear technology, the regulators who work with them to ensure its safety, and above all the families and businesses in Georgia who want reliable, affordable electric power.
These stakeholders, and others like them around the world, are building on decades of learning and continuous improvement, which is a strong part of our industry’s culture.
This is just one more step toward renewed growth for our industry. Nuclear technology has a great role to play in a balanced and sustainable energy future for North America.
Ask Westinghouse SVP and Chief Technical Officer, Dr. Kate Jackson, all about it at the 2012 Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show – Feb 22-23, in Ottawa. Registration closes Feb 17. #cnagm2012