Register now for the public affairs pre-conference seminar
Did the Pickering nuclear alert reveal anything about your crisis communications plan? Gain confidence in your plan by attending the Canadian Nuclear Association’s pre-conference public affairs seminar on Wednesday, February 26.
For the nuclear industry, it isn’t enough to have a crisis plan. Private companies, government agencies and other organizations need to regularly review, practice and update their plans.
During the seminar, Argyle Public Relationships President Daniel Tisch will lead a crisis communications training session. After sharing key principles of crisis communications, Tisch will conduct a real-time simulation to see how different departments would work together during a nuclear incident.
The three-hour seminar will also include an update from Hill + Knowlton Vice-President Kevin Bosch about what to expect from the recently elected federal government. Find out how the nuclear sector could be affected as it works to protect refurbishments and develop small modular reactors across the country. Bosch will focus on what communications messages and tactics will have the greatest impact on the Liberal minority government’s decisions.
Registration is required for all pre-conference seminars. Employees of CNA member companies who are fully registered for CNA2020 have exclusive access to these sessions until January 15. At that point, the remaining seats will be open to all other registration categories and unregistered conference participants. Please see the registration terms and conditions at https://cna.ca/cna2020/registration/ for more information and to register.