WiN Canada – 12th Annual Conference
Women in Nuclear is a worldwide association of individuals, focusing on women, working in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications and has a vision of making the public, especially women, aware of the benefits of these applications and of the culture of safety that ensures protection of the public and the environment. In Canada, we have over 1,400 members in all disciplines within the nuclear industry.
I am pleased to announce that the 12th annual WiN Conference is November 8-10, 2015. The theme of the conference is Linking the Nuclear Family: Past, Present & Future. Delegates will gain a sense of where the industry began, where it is headed and how to flourish in a change environment to better position themselves for future success.
The conference takes place on November 8, 9 & 10, 2015.
Sunday, November 8: Program includes social and networking events along with the opening reception at 7:00 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, Ajax Ontario.
Monday, November 9: Full Day Conference,
- WiN-Canada AGM
- Speakers Include: Angela Mondu – President of ICE Leadership and Author of ‘Hit the Ground Leading’, Jeremy Whitlock – CNA, Dr. Audrey Li – Lakeridge Health, and many others.
- Panel Discussion: Communicating the Nuclear Brand
- Breakout Sessions: Leadership, Industry Best practices, Science & Technology
- Door Prizes
- Networking Dinner and interactive entertainment with a unique beat!
Tuesday, November 10: Participants will also have the opportunity to sign-up for Technical Tours at Darlington Nuclear Energy Complex (DEC) Reactor Mock-Up and Darlington Learning Center (DLC) Simulator, GE-Hitachi and Rolls-Royce, the Operator Training Facility and Pickering Nuclear In-Station, the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI), the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) Energy Research Centre Labs and Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE).
WiN (Women in Nuclear) is a world-wide association of women working professionally in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications. WiN-Canada was formed in early 2004 and has been working to support the objectives of WiN-Global and emphasize and support the role that women can and do have in addressing the general public’s concerns about nuclear energy and the application of radiation and nuclear technology. WiN-Canada also works to provide an opportunity for women to succeed in the industry through initiatives such as mentoring, networking, and personal development opportunities.
WiN-Canada Conference Registration Ends Soon!
Don’t miss your chance to register at