Nuclear Industry Welcomes Liability Amendments

January 30, 2014

OTTAWA (January 30, 2014) – Canada’s nuclear industry supports the legislation introduced in Parliament today to modernize the Nuclear Liability Act.

“We have been advocating for the modernization of this act for many years,” said Dr. John Barrett, president of the Canadian Nuclear Association. “It is clearly time for the law to catch up with today’s realities.”

Under the proposed Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act, nuclear installation operators would see their maximum liability rise to $1 billion. The current cap, $75 million, was set by the Nuclear Liability Act in 1976.

“Our focus on safety and performance improvements in Canada is relentless,” said Dr. Barrett, “and no claim has ever been filed under the liability law. We take pride in the fact that no member of the public, and no nuclear worker, has ever been harmed by radiation.”

The government has introduced changes to the law four times, but each effort ended with parliamentary prorogation or an election. Dr. Barrett noted that the nuclear industry supported each bill. “We look forward to participating in the legislative process when it takes place.”

Dr. Barrett also welcomed the government’s reaffirmation of its intent to ratify the Convention on Supplementary Compensation. The international convention enables a consistent international approach to managing nuclear liability.

The Canadian Nuclear Association represents 30,000 Canadian men and women who mine uranium, design reactors, generate electricity, advance nuclear medicine and export Canadian scientific and technological expertise.


For more information:

Erin Polka
Communications Officer
613-237-4262 ext. 101

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