Team NUvember Network Raises Over $53,000 for Movember!
This year, for the first time, the CNA got involved in Movember, an international annual fundraiser that raises awareness and funds for prostate cancer research, men’s health issues in general and mental health.
But it wasn’t enough for just the CNA to participate; we wanted to get our nuclear industry family on board too, so we set up Team NUvember.
The Team NUvember network connected 354 individuals across the Canadian nuclear industry from 14 separate fundraising teams across CNA member companies. Our friends at Cameco, Bruce Power, Ontario Power Generation, and Tetra Tech, plus professional organizations and academic institutions participated as growers or supporters.
Collectively, this network of NUvember fundraisers raised over $53,000 as of November 30th. We had a lot of fun tracking our Mo’gress and doing something in support of a cause so close to our industry.
Thank you to all our Mo’bros and Mo’sistas for participating and supporting! See you next year.