Grow your ‘Stache for Cash – Team NUvember Kick Off!
Meet Diane Williams. She is a Mechanical Maintainer at Bruce Power and a dedicated Mo’ Sista.
When asked if there was a story behind her decision to tattoo a moustache on her index finger, Diane said:
“Not really, the guys here in the shop that I work in asked me what I was going to do for Movember. So I came up with this idea because I have a lot of tattoos already. I decided to dedicate it to my three older brothers, which are all very healthy! I don’t think they thought I would actually do it.
Apparently I was right, one of the guys just admitted he didn’t think I would do it!”
Thanks for sharing your Mo’story, Diane!
Diane is a member of Women-in-Nuclear (WiN) Canada. Thanks for WiN for connecting us with Diane.
Inspired by Diane’s story? Join the CNA’s Movember team, Team NUvember, and grow your ‘stache for cash!
Already part of a team? No problem! Join the NUvember Network as a team or individual by clicking here!
Questions? Email Team NUvember Captain, Alex Wolf, wolfa@cna.ca
Share your Mo’story with TalkNUclear.ca. Email TalkNUclear@cna.ca
Movember is an annual fundraiser where participants grow their moustache (or simply join to cheer the team on) to raise money for prostate cancer research. CNA is proud to present this opportunity for member collaboration in support of a cause so close to our industry.