AECL Hosts Open House, Attacts 2,300 Visitors
On August 11, AECL Chalk River held its first open house in over a decade. Over 2300 people attended to check out a number of displays and demonstrations, a non-technical seminar series, as well as guided and unguided walking tours of the facilities and programs on site. The open house was heralded as a huge success; it will surely not be another decade until the next one.
Of the reason for the Open House and the challenges of opening the unique facility to the public, AECL President and CEO, Dr. Bob Walker, said
“We’ve had a strong and deep history in nuclear technology in this country and this has been the birthplace. It continues. That was the past and we’re building into the future … With the world post Sept. 11 we had to take a different security position. We are comfortable with how to manage that security so it was time we told the story again.”
Read about the AECL Open House in Pembroke’s Daily Observer.