Announcing our New Board of Directors!
June 6, 2012
We held our 52nd AGM on Thursday May 17 at AECON headquarters in Cambridge, Ontario. It was a momentous occasion as we elected 12 Directors to our Board. That is more elected members, more representation across the industry, than ever before! We are stronger when we work together.
Welcome to the brand new additions to our Board of Directors: Edward Veckie, Carol Wilson Hodges, Jeremy Rasmussen, Tim Reedman, Joseph Zwetolitz, Howard Shearer, Macit Cobanoglu, and Nick Aroutzidis. We’re excited to work with all of you, on the path forward to a stronger and vibrant nuclear industry in Canada!
Meet our new Board of Directors
Executive Committee
- Past Chair: ONTARIO POWER GENERATION, Wayne Robbins, Chief Nuclear Officer
- Chair: CAMECO CORPORATION, Grant Isaac, Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
- Vice Chair: BRUCE POWER, Duncan Hawthorne, President and Chief Executive Officer
- Finance Chair: TETRA TECH, Hany Michael, Senior Vice President, Nuclear Division
- Governance Committee Chair AECL, Robert Walker, President and Chief Executive Officer
- Public Affairs Committee Chair AREVA CANADA INC., Jean-François Béland, Executive Vice-President
- Regulatory Advisory Committee Chair: KINECTRICS INC., Katherine Moshonas Cole, Executive Consultant
- AECON, Macit Cobanoglu, Vice President, Nuclear New Board member
- AMEC, James Rippon, President
- BABCOCK & WILCOX CANADA, Mike Lees, President, Nuclear Power Generation Group
- CANADIAN POWER UTILITY SERVICES LTD., Jordan Quan Ban Chou, President and Chief Executive Officer
- CANDU ENERGY INC., Kevin Wallace, President & General Manager
- E.S. FOX, Spencer Fox, President
- ÉNERGIE NB POWER, Blair Kennedy, Vice President, Nuclear
- ENERGYSOLUTIONS CANADA, Carol Wilson Hodges, President New Board Member!
- GE-HITACHI NUCLEAR ENERGY CANADA INC., Peter W. Mason, President & Chief Executive Officer
- HATCH LTD., Alan O’Brien, Global Managing Director
- HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS CANADA LTD, Howard Shearer, President and Chief Executive Officer New Board Member!
- HYDRO-QUÉBEC, Mario Désilets, Director, Nuclear Generation
- IAN MARTIN LIMITED, Bruce Mullock, General Manager
- INDUSTRIAL AUDIT CORPORATION, Jeremy Rasmussen, President New Board Member!
- L-3 MAPPS, Michael Chatlani, Vice President, Marketing & Sales Power Systems and Simulation
- MACDONALD, DETTWILER AND ASSOCIATES INC., Tim Reedman, Director Terrestrial Applications, Space Missions New Board Member!
- NA ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES INC., Nick Aroutzidis, Principal New Board Member!
- NEWMAN HATTERSLEY LTD., Michael Krause, Operations Director
- POWER WORKERS’ UNION, Don MacKinnon, President
- SASKPOWER, Robert Watson, President and Chief Executive Officer
- SOCIETY OF ENERGY PROFESSIONALS, Rod Sheppard, President (pro-term)
- UNIFIED ENGINEERING, Edward Veckie, Vice President New Board Member!
- WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CANADA, INC., Joseph Zwetolitz, Vice President New Board Member!