Canadian Environment Week Kicks Off!
What a fantastic coincidence that Canadian Environment Week and the anniversary of the first nuclear generated electricity arrive at the same time. June 4th, 2012, marks the 50th anniversary of the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) reactor and the beginning of clean-air energy production in Canada. The NPD provided enough electricity to power 10,000 homes in 1962. Today nuclear energy powers 15% of Canada, and almost 60% of Ontario.
All while diverting tonnes of carbon from the earth’s atmosphere.
The United Nations declared 2012 to be the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. Nuclear is a sustainable source of energy, but more than that, it’s a source of support for sustainable development.
Energy demand is growing in Canada and around the world. Steadily growing world populations want and deserve the same economic conditions and standard of living we enjoy in Canada. This demands more energy – most of which is still being derived from burning fossil fuels, which we know contribute to climate change and deadly smog.
There is a huge nuclear renaissance going on in China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea, Turkey, Russia, with hundreds of plants in the works. They know this is the way to invest if they want to meet their energy needs for the rest of this century and improve air quality at the same time.
The good news is, electricity currently generated by nuclear power facilities globally saves the potential emission of about 2.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases per year that would result from the same amount of electricity generated by fossil-based sources. But we can do better.
Learn more about this clean, safe, affordable, reliable, amazing, environmentally friendly source of energy and sustainable development.
Canadian Environment Week kicks off today and runs until the 9th.
Watch for: June 5th is World Environment Day