Happy 1-Year Anniversary TalkNUclear.ca
May 12, 2012
TalkNUclear.ca is all about talking nuclear. We’re here to share the good news stories from Canada’s nuclear industry, talk about energy issues, and try to debunk myths and provide accurate information about nuclear technology and its application.
We’ve posted over 150 articles this year. Here’s a rundown of some of most popular posts:
- Bringing “NU Energy” to Parliament Hill, November 2, 2011
- CNA Visits AECL’s Chalk River Laboratories, August 9, 2011
- CNA Visits AECL’s Chalk River Laboratories PART TWO, August 10, 2011
- A warm welcome to the Canadian Nuclear Association’s new blog!, May 12, 2011
- Nuclear Industry Execs See Opportunity in Canada, March 7, 2012
- The Nuclear Debate – Monbiot et al., discuss the pros and cons, July 8, 2011
- Tag Archives: Sponsor Spotlight, Various dates
- 2011 Ontario Progressive Conservative Party Platform, May 30, 2011
- Nuclear education: learning can be fun!, May 20, 2011
- 2011 International Nuclear Energy Olympiad, June 18, 2011