How to Earn Your Science and Technology Badge
Cub Scouts from one of Ottawa’s oldest Pack’s – the Ottawa 24th Pack – participated in a sleepover at the Canada Science and Technology Museum last weekend, with support from the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA). “When I heard that the Pack would be doing badge work with a focus on Canadian science and technology innovation, I was pleased to offer member support,” said CNA President & CEO Denise Carpenter.
Heather Kleb, the CNA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs and a Pack leader and parent, explained that the program was intended to review the importance of technology in Canadian living, including advances such as Canada’s first satellite (Alouette) and the Canadarm. And of course no trip to the Science and Technology Museum would be complete without a visit to the Energy: Power to Choose exhibit to see ZEEP (the Zero Energy Experimental Pile Reactor).
The Cubs were surprized to learn about the important role that Canadian scientists played in galvanizing the nuclear industry in Canada and around the world. They commented that ZEEP “looks kind of like a really cool spaceship.” They also had a number of questions, such as: “what can radiation do to you” and “can it really give you super powers” (a Spider-man reference maybe).
Heather said that “a fun time was definitely had by all” and “we want to extend our sincere thanks to the CNA and its members for making it possible for our Pack to participate in this.”
Learn more about ZEEP at TeachNUclear.ca – the CNA’s curriculum website.
As the nuclear industry continues to play an increasingly important role in the daily lives of Canadians, sustaining a robust education, science and technology program is a priority. Nuclear S&T initiatives foster excellence in science, technology, manufacturing, energy and medicine. They contribute significantly to developing highly qualified personnel for the nuclear and non-nuclear sectors.