Express your Interest in AECL

March 28, 2012

On February 9, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources launched a process inviting Expressions of Interest in the activities of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited’s (AECL’s) Nuclear Laboratories.  This process will allow the Government to benefit from the experiences of organizations, domestic or international, involved in the management or restructuring of nuclear science and technology or radioactive waste management.

The government indicated that information gathered through this process will help inform the AECL restructuring process.  The deadline for submissions is April 2.

This is obviously an important opportunity for our member organizations to present their views to the Government on this key issue.

This is your opportunity to have a say in the future of our nuclear science and technology industry. As a member of Canada’s nuclear community, you have valuable experience and knowledge to share towards informing the process that will determine the future of the labs. If you do nothing more than express your confidence in the future of Canada’s nuclear science and technology industry, you will have played an important part in this process.

You can write to the Honourable Minister Joe Oliver at:

Honourable Joe Oliver, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Natural Resources
162 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

We at TalkNUclear are always interested in hearing your views on this and other issues of collective interest to our industry. Will you make a submission?

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