CNA2012 Spotlight: Nordion
Sponsor Spotlight
- Company Name: Nordion
- Date Founded: 1946
TheraSphere Suite – Tech at Hot Cell
- Industry category: Health Science
- Number of employees: +500
- Does your company have operations outside of Canada? No
Nordion is a global specialty health science company that provides market-leading products used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. We are a leading provider of medical isotopes, targeted therapies and sterilization technologies that benefit the lives of millions of people in more than 60 countries around the world.
Did you know in 1951 Nordion founder, Roy Errington (Eldorado Mining and Refining Ltd.) lead a team to build world’s first radiation treatment machines using cobalt-60. The world’s first cancer treatment was performed in London, Ontario, using the Eldorado machine developed under Errington.
What’s New?
Nordion unveiled details of its new Flexible Irradiation Technology (GammaFIT) modular irradiator system. With its commercial release to the market anticipated in early 2012, the GammaFIT system will be an industry innovation.
Did you know Nordion built the world’s first food-only gamma irradiator? Read about it here.

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For more information:
Tamra Benjamin
613-592-3400 x1022