CNA2012 Spotlight: AMEC NSS

October 7, 2011

Sponsor Spotlight


  • Company Name: AMEC NSS
  • Date Founded: 2002
  • Industry category: Engineering and Safety Analysis
  • Number of employees: 450
  • Does your company have operations outside of Canada? Yes. Globally, AMEC’S pedigree in the nuclear business can be traced back to the first applications of nuclear fission for commercial power generation applications. AMEC has been involved with virtually every major commercial reactor technology and has worked in 25 countries on nuclear services and projects. Today, AMEC has over 2,000 highly skilled engineers and scientists in the nuclear sector (AMEC’s global staff is 24,000) primarily in Canada (AMEC NSS) and the UK.

Nuclear expertise and safety performance: key to success

AMEC NSS provides services to nuclear utilities and related markets. With more than 30 years of experience and in-depth knowledge of nuclear plant design and operation, AMEC NSS supports clients throughout the nuclear life cycle from new build to operations, refurbishment and life extension and finally waste management and decommissioning.

Download the AMEC NSS Nuclear brochure
to learn more about their nuclear operations.

What Excites AMEC About Nuclear?
With the restructuring of the Canadian nuclear industry moving forward, AMEC NSS is enthusiastic about the prospects for nuclear growth in Canada over the coming years for both nuclear refurbishment and new build and we are eager to continue to make a major contribution to this dynamic market going forward.

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Learn more about AMEC NSS’s nuclear projects here


For more information:

Walter Thompson


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