Clean Air Day June 8, 2011
Clean Air Day is a celebration of environmentally-friendly activities that promote clean air and good health across Canada. It is a great opportunity to make environmentally-friendly lifestyle choices, for you, your family and your community. Here are some events taking place. Leave us a comment below if you know of any Clean Air Day events in your community.
Did you know that Canada’s nuclear electricity plants release virtually no emissions that cause climate change or smog?
As Canada and the global community work to address the challenges of Climate Change, nuclear energy provides a clean energy solution for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
And let’s remember that as most of the country struggles to stay cool in our first heat wave of 2011, nuclear energy can enable renewable technologies when, for example wind turbines are not operating in hot, humid weather conditions. Imagine the possibilities with complementary energy sources using nuclear’s “24-hour base load power” advantage.
Avoided emissions
Here are some important facts: By using nuclear energy, we avoid the potential emission of about 90 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year (if coal-fired power was used instead). This is equivalent to the greenhouse gases produced by 18 million vehicles – or about 12% of Canada’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
For 48 years, Canada’s nuclear industry has achieved an unparalleled record of safe, reliable and economic power generation in three provinces. Nuclear energy is responsible for 15% of Canada’s electricity production and for over 55% of Ontario’s alone. Nuclear goes well beyond electricity generation. It is also the basis for vital cancer-fighting medical technologies, diagnosis and treatment, medical sterilization and food irradiation, desalination of water and other emerging technologies.
Happy Clean Air Day! Let’s not take our planet for granted