CNA Gives Back
CNA Gives Back was created to give monetary contributions to non-profit organizations in Canada that that are working for progressive social change. A portion of the total contributions provided each year to our partner charities is made up of the previous CNA “swag” budget, which was originally used to purchase CNA branded pens, notebooks, and other free conference materials.
In an effort to reduce our waste and emissions footprint – by eliminating the production of conference materials that often end up in the landfill – while at the same time making a positive contribution to the lives of Canadians, we have decided to earmark those funds for the CNA Gives Back program.
The organizations we support have varied focuses, but they all share the characteristics of providing practical humanitarian assistance through initiatives such as self-determination, reconciliation, food, health, housing, culture, and education.
We are proud to support these three registered non-profit organizations.

Let’s Talk Science focuses on education and skills development for children and youth in Canada through science, technology, engineering, and math-based programs.

Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health provides quality, holistic, culturally relevant health services to Ottawa’s First Nation, Métis, and Inuit populations.

The Ottawa Food Bank collects and distributes food to all the major food banks and emergency food programs that support over 116 agencies and 39,000 people in Ottawa every month.