Canadian Nuclear Association Urges Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to Recognize Role of Nuclear Energy in Climate Mitigation

September 8, 2017

OTTAWA (September 7, 2017) The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) meets this week in Montreal. If mitigation pathways are to be on target, keeping a global temperature rise limited to 1.5 degrees while simultaneously staying on course to meet the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we must continue to promote and invest in low-carbon technologies, including nuclear.

Thanks to nuclear science and technology, we meet nine of the seventeen SDGs, addressing issues of providing affordable and clean energy, good health, clean water and action on climate.

The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) urges the IPCC to examine and include the proven contributions of nuclear energy in the fight against climate change; to recognize the solutions nuclear technologies provide today to the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs); the role nuclear plays in supporting intermittent renewable options and the pivotal role it offers to the world in ensuring the generation of large quantities of clean, affordable, baseload energy to meet the COP21 climate targets alongside the UNs SDGs.

Canada’s nuclear industry has made significant contributions to achieving both climate goals and sustainable development.  Thanks to our CANDU technology, our nuclear reactor fleet provides clean, affordable and low-carbon energy, powering approximately 60% of Ontario’s electricity needs.

Partnering with other counties, our nuclear industry can help contribute to affordable and clean energy around the world including countries such as Argentina, China, South Korea, Romania and India. Our global contributions include clean reactor fuel through our uranium mining operations. A leading example of socially and environmentally responsible resource extraction and development, Cameco Corporation, has been supplying clean fuel for nuclear reactors around the world for decades and is one of the world’s largest producers of uranium.

Our investments in new nuclear technology include Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) which will have the capacity to provide a clean source of energy to more remote communities as well as providing industry with an option for cleaner electricity.

Over 60 years of safe and successful and nuclear technology application has given Canada an advantage on the world stage:  Canada’s Nuclear Advantage.

About the CNA:

Since 1960, the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) has been the national voice of the Canadian nuclear industry. Working alongside our members and all communities of interest, the CNA promotes the industry nationally and internationally, works with governments on policies affecting the sector and works to increase awareness and understanding of the value nuclear technology brings to the environment, economy and the daily life of Canadians.

Our members are actively involved and are leaders in Canada’s production of uranium and nuclear power and are taking leadership roles in the research, design, construction, operation and support to nuclear facilities and technologies.


For more information:

Paul Hebert
Director of Communications
(613) 237-4262

Media Contact

Christopher Gully
Vice President, Communications & Member Engagement
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