Global Nuclear Industry calls for immediate IAEA access to Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant
Representatives of nuclear industry trade associations and professional societies have issued the following statement regarding the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine:
The IAEA must be granted immediate and unconditional access to Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant to ensure the well-being of staff there as well as the ongoing safety of the facilities. The IAEA mission should be guaranteed safe conduct across the military line of contact in southern Ukraine by both Ukraine and Russia.
We note that the Zaporizhzhya facility has robust reactor and plant designs, and that operating staff have done their utmost to maintain all safety protocols. We would like to draw the world’s attention to the outstanding courage and extraordinary dedication of our Ukrainian colleagues who have continued to discharge their duties in the most trying of circumstances. It is to their credit that IAEA experts assessed that there was no immediate threat to nuclear safety from recent events, and it is with regard to their welfare that we call for further action to be taken.
The Russian forces currently occupying the site must withdraw to allow the plant operating staff to fulfil their safety and security duties and make decisions free of undue pressure, in line with the seven pillars of nuclear safety set out by the IAEA. It is unacceptable to use a nuclear power plant as a military base.
Ukrainian and Russian forces should also cease military activity in the vicinity of the plant and observe a 30km safe zone around the site.
We stand ready to give the IAEA and Ukraine whatever support is necessary to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities and the staff who have remained in post.

Media Contact
Christopher GullyVice President, Communications & Member Engagement