Nuclear industry optimistic about Canadian Energy Strategy

July 17, 2015

OTTAWA (July 17, 2015) – The Canadian Nuclear Association congratulates Canada’s premiers for their release of the Canadian Energy Strategy today.

“The premiers’ report recognized the important role of sustainable development in promoting Canada’s future energy needs. The strategy has room for clean energy technologies and for innovation – and nuclear has a role in both,” said CNA President John Barrett.

“Nuclear energy, along with renewables, can and will play an important role in reaching this goal in the electricity sector, as its generation is emission-free.”

Canada’s four nuclear generating sites represent 16 per cent of Canada’s electricity generation and all of that is GHG-free.

“Increased use of nuclear power in Ontario helped the province get off coal,” added Barrett.

“Between 2000 and 2013, nuclear-powered electrical generation rose 20 percent, coinciding with a 27 percent drop in coal-fired electricity. During the same period, non-hydro renewables increased to 3.4 percent from one percent.”

As of 2014, nuclear accounted for 62 per cent of electricity generation in Ontario according to the IESO. Nuclear also is the backbone of New Brunswick’s electricity supply.

About the CNA

The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is a non-profit organization established in 1960 to represent the nuclear industry in Canada and promote the development and growth of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.

The CNA works to: Create and foster a political environment and reasonable regulatory framework for advancing the nuclear industry in Canada. Encourage cooperation among various industries, utilities, educational institutions, government departments and agencies, and other authoritative bodies that have a common interest in the development of economic uses for nuclear power and radioisotopes. Provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues of concern to members, to industry, or to the Canadian public.

Encourage cooperation with other associations that have similar objectives and purposes.


For more information:
Malcolm Bernard
Director of Communications
613-237-4262 #110

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