CNA Congratulates Bruce Power on Winning Sustainability Award
OTTAWA (December 8, 2016) – The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) congratulates Bruce Power for being named the 2016 recipient of the Ontario Business Achievement Award for Sustainability.
The award, presented by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, goes to ‘a business that has demonstrated that being a leader in sustainability makes good business sense.’
Ontario’s electricity generation mix is coal free with nuclear representing 60 per cent of it in 2015.
Bruce Power’s return of four dormant nuclear units to service between 2003 and 2012 played a large role in this. The return of the units provided 70 per cent of the power the Ontario needed to remove coal from electricity generation.
The company will continue to be a provider of low-carbon energy for decades to come as it begins refurbishing its reactors
According to Bruce Power, between 2017 and 2064, the end-of-life of the Bruce Power units, nuclear power will avoid between $12 billion and $63 billion in carbon costs that ratepayers would have to fund if this output was replaced by fossil fuels based on a range of currently contemplated carbon pricing.
“This is just the latest recognition for Canada’s nuclear industry in being a leader in clean air and low-carbon power generation,” said CNA President and CEO John Barrett. “It comes weeks after the federal government included nuclear energy in Canada’s Mid-Century Long-Term Low-Greenhouse Gas Development Strategy report, released at the COP22 climate change summit.”
About the CNA
Since 1960, the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) has been the national voice of the Canadian nuclear industry. Working alongside our members and all communities of interest, the CNA promotes the industry nationally and internationally, works with governments on policies affecting the sector and works to increase awareness and understanding of the value nuclear technology brings to the environment, economy and the daily life of Canadians.
Our members are actively involved and are leaders in Canada’s production of uranium and nuclear power and are taking leadership roles in the research, design, construction, operation and support to nuclear facilities and technologies.
For more information:
Paul Hebert
Director of Communications