CNA Congratulates BWXT Canada on $642 Million Contract from Bruce Power

April 25, 2018

OTTAWA (April 25, 2018) – The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) congratulates BWXT Canada Ltd on this week’s major contract announcement with Bruce Power.

The Cambridge, Ontario, company has been awarded a contract valued at approximately $642 million from Bruce Power to design and supply 32 steam generators for Bruce Power’s Major Component Replacement (MCR) Project.

This represents the largest contract ever awarded to BWXT Canada and ensures high-paying, skilled jobs for its workers in Cambridge for the next decade.

“This contract is good for the local economy and will mean jobs for the people of the Cambridge region,” said CNA President and CEO John Barrett. “Not only that, it will help Bruce Power complete its refurbishment and provide clean, low-emission nuclear power for Ontario until 2064.”

“Nuclear is the backbone of Ontario’s electricity system. Helping Ontario and Canada transition to a low-carbon economy is just another important part of Ontario’s nuclear advantage,” added Barrett.

In November, the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario concluded, “There are currently no alternative generation portfolios that could provide the same supply of low emissions baseload electricity generation at a comparable price to the Nuclear Refurbishment Plan.”

BWXT Canada designs, manufactures, commissions and services nuclear power generation equipment for the global nuclear power industry.

About the CNA:
Since 1960, the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) has been the national voice of the Canadian nuclear industry. Working alongside our members and all communities of interest, the CNA promotes the industry nationally and internationally, works with governments on policies affecting the sector and works to increase awareness and understanding of the value nuclear technology brings to the environment, economy and the daily life of Canadians.

For more information:
Erin Polka
Manager of Communications and Media Relations
(613) 237-4262

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