December 20, 2017

OTTAWA (December 20, 2017) – The Canadian Nuclear Association congratulates member Terrestrial Energy on being recognized as one of the 20 Semi-Finalists for the Solutions 2030 Challenge. The Ontario Centers of Excellence (OCE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change announced the top innovators to help Ontario reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Terrestrial Energy was selected as one of the top 20 from over 150 applications from around the world and will have the opportunity to participate in the second phase of a three-phase competition over the next three years.

“The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) wishes to congratulate Terrestrial Energy on this accomplishment. Reducing greenhouse gases and fighting climate change with low-carbon energy is a key part of Canada’s Nuclear Advantage.,” said CNA President and CEO Dr. John Barrett.

Located in Oakville, Ontario, Terrestrial Energy was the only nuclear innovator to be recognized by the OCE. The company is working on an advanced Integral Molten Salt Reactor which has the potential to provide clean, cost-effective heat and electric power. The team at Terrestrial hopes to bring their advanced power plant to market in the 2020s.

For more information:

About the CNA:

Since 1960, the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) has been the national voice of the Canadian nuclear industry. Working alongside our members and all communities of interest, the CNA promotes the industry nationally and internationally, works with governments on policies affecting the sector and works to increase awareness and understanding of the value nuclear technology brings to the environment, economy and the daily life of Canadians.

Our members are actively involved and are leaders in Canada’s production of uranium and nuclear power and are taking leadership roles in the research, design, construction, operation and support to nuclear facilities and technologies.


Paul Hebert
Director of Communications
(613) 237-4262

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