CNA2012 Update
Come to CNA 2012 – See Two Top Experts in Science Communications!
What’s the best part about the Canadian Nuclear Association Annual Conference and Trade Show? The networking and future business opportunities are fantastic, but over 70% of past attendees rated the speakers as the most important part of the show!
A strong lineup is the cornerstone for both stimulating dialogue and providing entertainment, and this year we have really strived to outdo ourselves. We have assembled an amazing lineup of speakers from within and outside of the industry, and will be featuring two of the most well-known voices in promoting science literacy, Jay Ingram and Michael Shermer!

Jay Ingram
Most well-known as the co-host of Discovery Channel’s science show, Daily Planet – television’s first daily hour-long prime-time science and nature feature, Jay has led a remarkable career of promoting science literacy through his writing and broadcasting. He was also the host of CBC Radio One’s Quirks and Quarks for twelve years – a post previously held by David Suzuki, is the author of nine books, three of which have won Canadian Science Writers’ Awards, and was made a member of the Order of Canada in 2009. Jay is an engaging, provocative speaker who can address complex, scientific issues in non-technical terms, making them interesting, relevant and accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Michael Shermer
As the Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine, monthly columnist for Scientific American, and the host of the Skeptics Distinguished Science Lecture Series, Dr. Michael Shermer has built a reputation for illustrating the disconnect between science and belief in incisive and hilarious ways. Dr. Shermer is the author of twelve books on the understanding of science, has delivered numerous TED Talks, and has been featured on many television shows including Oprah, 20/20, Larry King Live, and The Colbert Report as well as documentaries aired on PBS, A&E, Discovery, The History Channel, The Science Channel, and TLC. Dr. Shermer is also one of the founders of the now-famous ‘Race Across America’ cycling event in which he participated five times.
We are very excited to have both of these excellent speakers joining us for our 2012 Conference, and are looking forward to having you join us! Make sure to register before the early bird deadline for savings of up to $150!
For more information, see the links below, or contact Alex Wolf at
See you in February!
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Trade Show sponsor, Nordion.