Canadian Nuclear Industry Encourages Senate to Pass Bill C-22

January 29, 2015

OTTAWA (January 29, 2015) – The Canadian nuclear industry testified today before a Senate committee to support the passage of Bill C-22. The proposed legislation would raise the liability limit for nuclear accidents from $75 million to $1 billion.

“This legislation would improve the nuclear liability framework, bringing it in line with international standards,” said Dr. John Barrett, President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association. “It would protect Canadians, and improve the industry’s ability to manage risks responsibly.”

Bill C-22 would replace the 1976 Nuclear Liability Act (NLA) with a Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act (NCLA), and ratify an international treaty, the Convention on Supplementary Compensation, which provides additional coverage for foreign damage caused by Canadian nuclear operators.

“The treaty will provide further protection in the case of an international accident. It will also improve the industry’s ability to export Canada’s significant nuclear expertise,” added Dr. Barrett.

The nuclear industry directly employs about 30,000 Canadians and indirectly employs a further 30,000 through its supply chain, according to a study by Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters. The industry generates nearly $7 billion of economic activity, exports $1.2 billion in goods and services, and pays $1.5 billion in federal and provincial taxes.

Nuclear power plants generate about 15% of Canada’s electricity without creating the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.


For more information:
Erin Polka
Communications Officer
613-237-4262 #101

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