Statement from Canadian Nuclear Association following Release of Federal Hydrogen Strategy
Following today’s release of the federal hydrogen strategy, please find below a statement from John Gorman, President and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association:
“Today’s announcement is a game changer. Hydrogen has the potential to revolutionize energy by being used to generate clean electricity, and to store, transport and export energy for use on demand.
Canada’s clean electricity system is an interdependent network of electricity generated by hydro, nuclear, wind, biofuels, solar, geothermal, and tidal power. Producing clean hydrogen requires clean electricity partners from non-emitting sources like nuclear. Investments like today’s are a catalyst for clean electricity across our economy and an important next step towards getting us to NetZero2050.
We welcome the government’s Hydrogen strategy, just as we look forward to the federal government’s Small Modular Reactor Action Plan later this month. Cleary, this is a government that recognizes that meeting net-zero means supporting all clean electricity sources.”
– John Gorman, President and CEO, Canadian Nuclear Association