Executive Summary of the CNA Submission to the Ministry of Energy Regarding Ontario’s LTEP Consultation
OTTAWA (December 16, 2016) – The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is pleased to submit its comments to the Ministry of Energy as part of Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) consultation. Nuclear technology is the backbone of Ontario’s low-carbon energy strategy. Ontario’s $25 Billion nuclear refurbishment program is one of the largest coordinated clean energy investments taking place in the world now, something Ontario should be very proud of – Pickering’s continued operation to 2023-25 is the foundation of that refurbishment program. Operating Pickering in the period from 2021-2024 would represent the single largest contribution to meeting Ontario’s 2020 emissions reduction target if it were part of the Climate Change Action Plan.
In any future supply and demand scenario that may emerge, Ontario’s nuclear baseload generating fleet can continue to provide irreplaceable value to the electricity system and to Ontarians; moderating electricity bills, ensuring cleaner air, anchoring a multi-billion dollar industry in Ontario, and directly sustaining thousands of highly-skilled jobs. Nuclear technology plays an important role in almost every technical field across Canada. Nuclear science and technology facilities are an integral part of Canada’s science, technology and engineering capacity. Small modular reactors (SMRs) could provide a smaller-scale and more easily financed option for Ontario, and could be deployed in currently under-served communities.
A substantial supply-demand gap should not be addressed through increased reliance on natural gas. Ontario’s long history of acceptance and safe operation of nuclear energy, the availability of licensed nuclear sites with existing high voltage transmission, a skilled and experienced nuclear workforce, and the presence of a large, sophisticated domestic supply chain should logically lead to the consideration of additional nuclear.
Nuclear export opportunities are Ontario opportunities; they deliver concentrated, sustained revenues for our province’s people, companies, research organizations and governments, strengthening Ontario’s whole scientific and engineering capability and economic competitiveness.
Driven by the world’s rapidly expanding need for clean energy, the international market for nuclear technology is growing. The Canadian nuclear industry is well positioned to capture a significant portion of this market share, as it is strengthened by investments being made in Ontario today.
We look forward to working with government to ensure the clean, reliable, safe and affordable supply of electricity to all Ontarians.
To view the complete submission please click here.