CNL Announcement a Step in the Right Direction, CNA Says
OTTAWA (June 26, 2015) – The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) congratulates Canadian National Energy Alliance (CNEA) partnership for receiving federal government approval to become the new operators of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.
CNA President John Barrett said the CNA looks forward to working with CNEA in the future. Fluor Corporation, Energy Solutions, CH2M Hill and SNC Lavalin are already long-time CNA members.
“This announcement is good news for the industry and an important step for CNL,” Mr. Barrett said.
“The federal government also should be credited for bringing this restructuring process to a timely conclusion. This will allow Canada’s nuclear industry and the Chalk River site to be on a more stable footing for the 21st century and allow a new nuclear energy policy to emerge.”
The restructuring means CNL will now operate in a “government-owned, contractor-operated” (Go-Co) model. The government and CNEA will now finalize the management contract of CNL according to Minister Rickford’s office.
“GoCo models in other countries have meant exciting work and a clear vision for nuclear facilities,” said Dr. Barrett. “We have the opportunity to make it work here in Canada. CNL’s research capabilities are world class, and underpin the contribution of Canada’s nuclear industry to clean, carbon-free energy, to nuclear medicine for cancer treatment, and to commercial applications of nuclear technology in advanced manufacturing. CNL is a leading source of innovative ideas for nuclear energy that will help us in the fight against climate change.”
The government’s decision should be good news for jobs in Chalk River and the surrounding communities. CNL is Renfrew County’s second-largest employer. The Chalk River facility is also important to nuclear jobs, research and innovation across Canada.
About the CNA:
The CNA represents about 100 organizations whose 30,000 employees mine uranium, fabricate fuel, design and service reactors, generate electricity, advance nuclear medicine, and export Canadian nuclear expertise.
For more information:
Romeo St. Martin
Communications officer
613-237-4262 ext. 112