Advanced Fuel CANDU Reactor: Canadian Nuclear Industry Applauds Candu Energy’s Progress

November 7, 2014

OTTAWA (November 7, 2014) – A review by Chinese nuclear experts of the Advanced Fuel CANDU Reactor (AFCR) is a positive development for Canadian nuclear technology, according to the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA).

CNA President John Barrett said the Chinese statement recognizes the environmental advantages of recycling uranium used in power-generating nuclear reactors.

“Diverting used fuel from long-term storage, so that it can deliver even more electricity, further reinforces the valuable role nuclear energy plays in reducing climate-changing emissions around the world,” Dr. Barrett said. “Canadian innovation delivers global benefit.”

According to Candu Energy and its development partner, the China National Nuclear Corporation, a new AFCR could run fully on fuel recycled from four other reactors – a productive alternative to placing the used fuel in long-term storage.

“This represents a strategic advantage for Canadian technology,” Dr. Barrett noted. “Candu Energy’s work on recycled fuel offers the promise of more efficient reactor fleets and reduced used fuel storage volumes.”

The Chinese expert panel recommended the timely construction of the Advanced Fuel CANDU Reactor, recognizing its advancement and maturity, and compliance with current nuclear safety requirements.

About the CNA

The CNA represents about 100 organizations whose 30,000 employees mine uranium, fabricate fuel, design and service reactors, generate electricity, advance nuclear medicine, and export Canadian nuclear expertise.


For more information:

Malcolm Bernard
Director of Communications
613-237-4262 ext. 110

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