CNA2013 – Only One Week Remaining for Early Bird Prices!

November 23, 2012

Only one week remaining for Early Bird prices!

Register before December 1, 2012 to save big with Early Bird discounts!

Explore the CNA2013 site to discover what we have planned for you. Learn what this year’s Talking Nuclear: Dialogue in Action theme is about, view the preliminary Program, check out many of our confirmed speakers, and see who has already jumped on board as Sponsors of this world-class nuclear industry event!

100 students from across the country are applying to be there NOW!

Students from across the country are pouring in their applications to come to CNA2013. We’ve received great essays on Understanding Radiation, The Next 10 Years in Nuclear, Supporting Nuclear R&D, and more! Want to recruit these budding nuclear stars? Register today!

Check the CNA2013 site for updates as the program evolves.

Don’t miss your chance to save big with Early Bird registration. Register before December 1.

See you there! 

Canadian Nuclear Association
2013 Conference and Trade Show
February 27 – March 1, 2013
Westin Hotel, Ottawa, ON 

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