CNA2012 Update — The Who’s Who in Canadian Nuclear

December 2, 2011

Who’s there…
…Where are YOU?

On February 22-24, 2012, a who’s who of the Canadian nuclear industry will be in Ottawa to participate, present and promote at the 2012 Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Trade Show.

Click here to REGISTER NOW and take advantage of Early Bird pricing


Don’t miss your chance to learn from our speakers, panelists and invited guests, such as:

Tom Mitchell President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Power Generation Chair, WANO Fukushima Response Commission

Dr. Kate Jackson Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer Westinghouse Electric Company

Dr. Bob Walker President and Chief Executive Officer AECL Nuclear Laboratories

The Honourable Joe Oliver Minister of Natural Resources Canada











View the complete 2012 Conference Agenda HERE

Thank you to our Sponsors!

 For more information, see the links below, or contact Marie-Danielle Davis at

 See you in February!

2012 Conference Agenda  –  REGISTER  – Sponsors

Sponsor Spotlight

Click here to view the Sponsor Spotlight on Heenan Blaikie

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