Nuclear energy is part of Canada's clean, low-carbon future:

Nuclear energy provides 15% of Canada’s electricity and over 60% of Ontario’s electricity.

Ontario Power Generation operates 10 of Canada’s 19 nuclear power reactors.


How Nuclear Energy Can Improve Our Climate



Nuclear energy is helping in the fight against climate change:

Nuclear energy is helping Canada meet its climate commitments by releasing zero GHG emissions during operation.

Companies such as BWXT supply nuclear components and services so that nuclear generating stations can continue producing clean electricity.


Nuclear medicine saves and improves lives:

Nuclear technology is used to diagnose and treat various diseases, including cancer.

The Fedoruk Centre operates and manages various facilities dedicated to cancer research.


Nuclear technology makes food and water safe and accessible:

Food irradiation is a nuclear technique that eliminates dangerous pathogens and delays spoilage.

Nordion manufactures many of the food irradiators that are used throughout the world.


Innovation in new nuclear technologies offer immense potential:

Small modular reactors (SMRs) offer the opportunity to replace diesel generation in Canada’s north and off-grid communities.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is interested in having a demonstration SMR built on-site by 2026.

People In Nuclear

Shift Supervisor In Training, Bruce PowerRead More

Talk Nuclear